Hey friends!
I just had to send out a word of encouragement to any Mommy of young babes or babes-to-be! My children are 18 months apart in age. When I was toting my 14 month-old around AND wearing maternity clothes people looked at me and even asked, "Did you do that on purpose?!" Well, God did. But, I'll be honest, I was overwhelmed at the sight of the pregnancy stick, later when I was vomiting due to morning sickness with a toddler following me into the bathroom, and certainly in the days when I'd care for one while breast-feeding the other and loading the dryer. :)
BUT! Let me tell you. Mine are 6 & 7, currently, and have been playing Legos together, happily for the past hour!!! I didn't say, "Hey, why don't you go play Legos?" They just spontaneously did this... and they're singing a made up song together... oh wait, they just transitioned to the Jackson 5's "Rockin Robin." hilarious
Remarkably, this is NOT uncommon.
So, be encouraged!!! It is a sweet sweet BLESSING to have children so close together. Was it hard 6 years ago? You betcha. Would I trade this for ANYTHING? Not on your life.
5 years ago
thank you so much. on hard days i feel like every birthday cake will have two candles on it. on days i treasure i'm realizing i won't be in the drivers seat before i know it. but i need to know they will be 6, 6, and 8 in like five seconds flat and that it will be sweet then too.
oh my gosh. hilarious. that's how BRAIN DEAD I AM. ha!!!!!!!!!!! okay, my twins are the older ones so...the math would be more like 8, 8, and 6. geez. i WILL get through this right??
Obviously encouraging over here:) I see glimpes every day of it getting easier (and harder in different ways) all at once. It get easier to see sweet Annajaye and Abigail and realize they don't still poop all over themselves and they can walk to the car on their own. It's hard to have vision that is coming but I'm so glad to hear someone else promise that it is!
that's a good word woman!
my babies aren't here yet, but this is definitely an encouraging word! i think sibling playmates are the best!! :) love you!
So I doubt I will have 2 under 2 unless we get twins but we will still have 2 very close in age without ever having parented one before....yikes, we are kinda nuts aren't we? so can you point me back to this post in a few months? please?
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