Go get a name. Pray hard for that name. Percieve the HUGE-O miracle God can do in that life and the amazing human He created for PURPOSE.
Do it.
Long Middle School in Chee-RAW or Chu-Rawh or Shur-raw... South Carolina is where I spend my days - well, my mondays-fridays. The color-coded halls are filled with ghetto-poverty kids, redneck kids, lower-middle class black & white kids, middle-class black and white kids, with a sprinkling of other minorities thrown in and maybe like one rich kid - maybe. My heart and mind have been pouring over a couple names and faces and the snipit of life stories of a few.
Wow. Desperate for love and attention. DESPERATE. Soooo many have no Dad. Many have no mom or dad to speak of. One kid wears the same thing nearly daily. He's forever on the ISS list. Nobody thinks he's going to make it in this life. Another is amazingly talented, but supported by no one at home. Constantly smells of cigarette smoke and states, "i don't really care" about most things.
I love them! I love that they want to be loved and my heart aches to not be able to take them all home and love them enough to discipline them... and then give them that hug. To say "YOU are amazing." God made you soooo wonderfully made!
So many 11, 12, 13, & 14 yr-olds are deemed "pieces of _____" ... by the very ones that should adore them as jewels in their crowns. Daily, there are lives in YOUR town that are NEVER told that they matter. These kids act like punks. They tend to steal, lie, run their mouths... but deep down, there lies a heart, an aching heart, a God-formed heart, knit together in their moma's womb. And there are some torn-up hearts protected by some straight-up harsh looking armor.
I'm asking that you match up a name or face with prayer. My challenge for myself and for you is to find out about a life. Invest your prayer and even physical time in one name... one soul. Man, oh man, Jesus died for them.... and they don't even get what that means or looks like in reality.
Ask a guidance counselor or teacher you know. Say, "give me a name." I want to pray for life change in someone's life. Then daily, please, daily, press your face on your floor and cry out for that precious child.
Today I watched this while putting in grades during my planning period. Stephen Furtick's (guest Pastor) "Perception Principle" kind of reminds me of some Pythagorean Theorum or something in title alone. But whew! - the reality of what he stated, man!, ESPECIALLY the last 15 mins. (IF YOU CAN'T WATCH IT ALL FAST FORWARD TO 51:00) or so had me in tears and can equal LIFE CHANGE. To sum it up (and unfortunately not do it justice): if a kid or adult or "a whosoever" as John 3:16 would say, is consistantly told that they are a thug, or hopeless, or destined for failure - they're going to act like that.
But God says about all of his little "whosoevers" that they are created by Him and for Him. All things were. (Col. 1:16) HE says nothing is to be rejected. In 1 Tim. 4:4 (please read within the chapter's context, I know that He was specifically referring to food and other legalistic limitations men might set... BUT) God's word says NOTHING (NO ONE - NOT ONE!) is to be rejected. Friends, let's not reject the unattractive middle school guy or girl. They NEED someone to pray! And to claim and speak Ecclesiastes 3:11 in love and Jesus' name for their sweet names.
Get a name.
I love you!
5 years ago
kelly, that was a really good charge. i'm going to have to keep my eyes open for "a name" and it may be someone already in my life, maybe someone who gets under my skin and i just try to deal with. but you are soo speaking from the Lord's heart. i think you are working in the middle of His work. (and unrelated, i really like your new blog and the tagline under the title). merry christmas my virtual friend ;)
Kelly, wow. amen. double amen. Great post. The middle-higher under my roof and in my prayers is told she's loved, worthy and treasured by the Father DAIlY but still struggles minute by minute with this age. i can only imagine what you see everyday. give me a name. i'll pray for them everytime I pray for Cara....which is frequent these days. love you and your heart. looking forward to seeing you in Chlstn more often:)
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