Sunday, February 1, 2009

3 statements that rock my world - GO with His Grace and ROCK YOURS

1."Too many assume that the reason people do not come to God is because they are ignorant; it is more generally true that the reason people do not come to God is because of their behavior."
-Fulton J. Sheen


3. "When, because of your faith, your life too becomes perceptibly different; when your reactions are quite opposite to what the situation seems to call for and your activities can no longer be explained in terms of your personality; that is when your neighborhood will sit up and take notice. In the eyes of the world, it is not our relationship with Jesus Christ that counts; it is our resemblance to HIM!" -Ray Stedman
...I enjoy intellectual folks. Conversation - the give and take of intelligent and/or witty thought, is fun for me. Great wit, in and of itself, causes me to applaud inwardly and laugh out loud, generally. I have a fondness for "characters," for humanness, for like-mindedness... and even differences, that seem mindful - perhaps well thought out.
I'm a people person. And I'm burdened. I'm burdened to see such fun, energetic, thought-making, education-taking, knowledgeable souls, living life on the outskirts. In chocolate terms, it's like watching people gnaw on tootsie rolls out in the cold when there's a Godiva fountain overflowing just inside.
Shoot. I never even won a school spelling bee. I can fit right in... in that average category. I can blend in with the best of em. But I've been down deep in the muck of behavior, where darkness and guilt parade. Where coldness dumbs and numbs out the reality of our choices, and we accept "meaninglessness," avoiding the battle. My prayer is for behaviors in harmony with my faith and a good conscience representative of His will. Lord make it so!


Natalie H. said...

Onward Christian soldier!!!

kellycowan said...

i am so glad you are blogging right now. and #3 resonates with me right now in the midst of this economy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes and YES! said...

LOVE THIS POST my friend! The first comment talks out loud! So many times I've been the judge, only to fall flat on my face and realize the true depths of the meaning. It's so easy to judge and criticize when the truth of the matter is - nobody really knows the heart inside that soul. Guess it's better to show them Jesus than to preach Jesus. I've done both - but the latter simply equates to FULL OF SELF and not full of HIM. Love your posts my friend, minister on sweet one!!!