Waking up on time was a surprise this morning, as was - what to my groggy eyes did appear... partially on the white tile, partially on the shower rug - a snake. A SNAKE! Still snuggled in bed gazing through the bathroom's open door, I prayed, "Lord, tell me there's not really a snake in my bathroom."
In the dim light, I pondered my dilemma... "looks pretty still, but man, that woman down the street did say she'd seen a huge snake in her yard, and I do think I see a snake skin through the vent under my house by the backporch that continually creeps me out, oh wait - is it... red on black, somethin-jack, red, yellow, kill a fellow - oh who the heck could remember that anyways! it has stripes...I think it would move by now... would it be attracted to the cool dampness of my bathroom; yes, I think so. If I take a diving leap with cell phone in hand towards my hallway door, I could slam it, get Christian and Belle and call Mr. Bradham (retired, wise neighbor)... would he be awake yet? No. But this is an emergency... still, I need to put on a bra first...ugh"
on came my bedside light.
Multi-colored necklace lying in a suspicious (even sinister) serpentine shape.
Not a snake.
Head back on pillow, thinking, "Ooo - analogy."
I almost took a picture. I still might recreate the scene and post a pic later. Seriously, you would have thought it was a snake too!
Later, laughing at myself, and how we convince ourselves of things in the dark - on so many levels - I read some of Luke 8.
Check out 8:16-17:
16 “No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light. 17 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light."
Amongst other provisions, there is lucidity in light.
5 years ago
That is really funny..my husband would have died, he is terrified of snakes! I am glad it was only an necklace!
How very true. We can so convince ourselves of lies or false truths in the dark. Light is so good for our eyes, heart, and soul, for sure.
I was freaking out reading this post. I made sure that the pic was scrolled up or down so that it'd be out of my view. yucky..scared to death of them.
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