well... now that just narrowed down my reading population, but seriously, I know that Natalie and Katie my well-endowed, baby-lovin girls are the ones who might actually check this, like say, in a couple of hours. (Adair, I'm pretty sure is on a daytime feeding schedule only) So, sweet Katie and Nat. this one is for you!
I have no words of wisdom... or of reflection, really. Only to say that I feel suppa tired, but good. I think I should have majored in "coaching cheerleading" cause it's a full-time job. I think I now officially have like 4 full-time jobs. My life is currently being broken down into 10-min intervals, of do this and then stop and then this and then stop. Once again, I KNOW that I'm helpless alone, and yet as the machine is churning - that ole pride starts slipping back in, the snake that it is. I think, "whoa, look at me go. I'm coaching, teaching, parenting, cleaning, watering my plants, dishes are DONE, laundry folded - almost.. " blaaaaayh :) spit out old pride. Cause I'm just Kelly Bollman, wearing some skin and helpless.
I'm singing the same song,1800th verse, but I want everyone who reads this to know that I am continually inspired by my sweet friends who love the Lord. And reading your words of wisdom or seeing your pictures or just a short phone call, are like honey, only better - sweet to the taste, and a perspective check for the soul.
Okay, now I'm going to shamelessly ask for some comments. Name what you would want your mom to do with you if you were 4 & 6... going for at-home 15 min. kind of activities. I'd like to think up some more fresh ones. Maybe it was the most awesome thing your mom/dad/babysitter did with you. I need to be all the more intentional with my time with these two, so help a momma out!
5 years ago
I need to give you my old copies of Family Fun magazine. They're perfect for your kids' ages. And you, since you're all artsy and crafty. You might enjoy this site by the way. It's parenthacks.com. I've really enjoyed reading about some tricks of the trade. For instance, don't know what to do when you're in a public bathroom and you don't want your kids curious hands touching "the funny little mail box" a.k.a. feminine product trashcan? Play Simon Says, telling your kids to put their hands on their heads, shoulders, etc. :) Brilliant! (Sorry this doesn't help you with your dilemma! By the way, didn't you think dilemma was spelled dilemna? My computer disagrees with the "MN" spelling. Am I just crazy??)
how great, Adair! will you please save those for me. And... i cannot spell for the life of me, but i think i would have typed dilemma - who knows. my brains shot. That's like a "big word" these days. :)
love you
i always loved scavenger hunts around the house! and i add me to your night time (and daytime) feeders list ;)
love you!
i knew you were a feeder; didn't know were a reader... of my blog that is
hehe (just couldn't help myself)
well i just am thankful to be surrounded by all these sleepless women. and kel ur blog makes me feel way less tired. that is true, always i leave reading feeling like i just got dumped with perspective and i love it. u know i have to put dance time on there and i would love to see christian doing a little bootie dancing. also, shaving cream in the showet ( never done this but mrs. barb does and mine love it) also annajaye and i do 15 minutes of "playtime" that usually ends with us both organizing the playroom while abigail takes out all we have just cleaned up- not sure what you call that but has to be something..ill keep thinking! love
hey! hey! hey! I shouldnt be sleepless but I am because I have the most headstrong baby in America! I may not be feeding at three am, but I'm listening to old glory cry it out while I pray for her and surf the web. I love your blog Kel and I love you. Can I see you and the kids when we're home in July?
How about make play-doh or silly putty? You can find easy recipes online, some you don't have to bake - just a few little things of mixing. I loved doing that while I was a nanny:)
One thing i did with kids i baby sat for is what i called "15 min of fun" basically 15 min before bed time you announce "kids, do you know what time it is? its 15 min until bed time. do you know what that means? only 15 minutes of fun left then you crank up some music and go crazy running, dancing...sometimes injurying yourself as you go crazy all over the house. it is a blast but usually extends bedtime bc they get wired but then crash!!
Also, you can have a food fight outside just mix up some stuff from the pantry and fridge and get throwing this is great to lead into a bath night after the hose first!
Have fun super mom!
Ok, I have been thinking on this for awhile because you are the creative one and I can't imagine that I'd have anything to suggest that you haven't already thought of.
One thing I used to do when I nannied is make puppets (just with socks or brown paper bags) and we'd hide behing the couch and put on a show. Also, and this one is so not-creative but it saves my sanity some days, I like to set the timer for a little bit of time and have them sit and look quietly at books until the timer goes off. One other thing my kids love is playing board games. We have a couple that they can even play on their own.
Now that I've typed them I can see that these suggestions aren't the least bit creative or new! I do like the scavenger hunt idea, though.
Hi Kelly. I feel like I know you through Katie! Some things we do are: dance partie - take the cushions off the couch and turn up the music, making goop - mix cornstarch and water (it gets a little messy though), we do scavenger hunts too, or hide and object and find it, umh... musical parade - made instruments, use ones you have, or use pots and spoons and march around the house, chalk outside, rice table or bucket, pin the talk on something, etc. You can also think of birthday party games for some ideas. I am always looking for something creative and fresh to do with my kiddos! Hope this helps! :)
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