God dumped out a huge gift about 8 years ago in the form of Natalie.
I was attempting to run hard (in the wrong direction) at this point, but boy, the Lord knew what He was doing when He enlisted her as part of His pursuit. She kept lovin me when I didn't want to be discipled. (I giggle just thinking of it)
I don't leave a conversation with her without taking away a new teaching and am continually blessed by her wisdom, maturity and heart for the Lord.
One year ago, today, she lost her brother David, while he was serving in Iraq. Natalie has 3 other sisters, one of whom (Rachel Baxter) has added a gorgeous post in his memory on her blog.
I ask that you pray for her family this Memorial Day.
I also ask that you pray for John, my friend and my children's father, serving in Afghanistan, and for our troops. But, my heart is much more for LIGHT in such dark lands. While there are some faithful believers in uniform, there are many more guys, who are lost... so lost, and are stationed in places with stances against our Almighty God. Their physical safety is of course our concern, but their salvation and peace are where true victory resides.
Thank you again for sharing your brother with us, Rachel.
May all of you guys find yourselves blessed by our outlandish freedom this holiday, and join me in praising Him.
5 years ago
I am Katie's cousin and I stand along side you praying for those overseas fighting. My husband was in the Army and served in Afghanistan and Iraq. My heart hurts for Rachel and her family. Her brother made the ultimate sacrifice and I am forever thankful. Emily
Katie, Thank you for asking others to pray for us and for honoring David. God was very present with us this last weekend. we are praying for your sweet little boy!
love, Rachel
Kelly, I am so sorry that I wrote Katie on the comment my mind was not all there. I had just read Katie Walters blog and I guess since your name starts with a K. Oh well, since becoming a mom my mind kind of goes on auto and I do not have a lot of control...all that to say I know you are Kelly!! LOL!
Thanks again for the post!
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