Thursday, March 13, 2008

6-yr glow

My sweet Belle is turning 6, officially in a matter of hours. I suppose nearly every mother reflects on her children’s births each year as their special day rolls around. And, I am certainly no different. I think back to 2002, me, age 20, and the excitement, the anticipation of the actual birthing event. But I sit in awe now, an awe that differs from the wonderment of that first encounter, when I held Isabelle Kathryn, my baby, for the first moment. Then, I marveled at the intricacy of her knitting and at my Maker’s physical mark. She was perfect. She was surprising. They never look exactly as you imagine them, but there’s something quite perfect about that. Her hair was… well we weren’t sure, but it turned out to be exactly strawberry-blond. Her nose was turned up in a cute way; she weighed in at 7 lbs. 7.7 oz. His ways are higher from the get go.

Now, my amazement contrasts weightily from the mere wonderment of how marvelous her flesh was made, for it’s a look at her soul that nearly takes my breath away. That amazing body, as beautifully as it was made and as it grows, will one day die. But my Belle, my heart’s little delight, that Belle-girl -- her soul blows me away.
Who am I that you would be mindful of me, Lord? Who am I that you would grant me the joy of not only knowing someone who so purely reflects LIGHT, but then to allow me to be “Mother”, Mommy to that… image of you??? OH GRACE.

Belle glows.
She has a crooked smile; it’s her Gran’s. Belle’s brain operates on levels that surpass the average kindergartners’ and often, I’m pretty sure my own. Belle loves to create. She likes to hoard “treasures”, bits of paper, used boxes. She’s the one that announced, “You know, Mommy, I would really like to have a place of my own to create. A table in the corner of the living room would be lovely.”
Belle enjoys HGTV. She would replace our kitchen with all stainless appliances if it were up to her.
Belle travels in her sleep. She wakes up in all sorts of odd places in her bed. And when she wakes, she can be an absolute grouch. My Belle can become disgustedly fed up with her little brother and her Mommy, and is at many times, quite sure that she is the only sane soul around. (She reminds me of myself in these moments.)

When my Belle prays, she prays to her Lord, not the “God of her Mommy”, Oh Yes!, He is my God, but see, He is the ever active, redeeming God of Isabelle Kathryn, just as He is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob. Precious girl, your heritage remains in loving the Lord. I sit in awe of your soul, the creation and salvation; He brings Himself glory through you.

Happy Birthday, sweet love.
Praise you Lord.

1 comment:

JandK Walters said...

I am serious a pregnant woman, actually any woman should be forbidden to read your blogs at 7am. I am a basket of tears and delighting that I get to call you friend!