Monday, May 5, 2008


Click download to play a song to the right and read on, if possible.

Mass celebration is a personal favorite. I'm a Gamecock. Love you Clemson fans and others who could care less about either SC alliance (that's right, I said love you, so return the love - keep reading). For those who have shamelessly and heartily worn the garnet and black, though, (it is a rather classy combo, you gotta admit), there is a moment that thrills. The drums pound, the brass shrills... 2001 vibrates the 80,000+.... dun, dunn, dunnnnn, dun da (loud roar); ...dun, dunnnn, dun, DUN DAHHHHHHH, (more roars, excessive coed jumping-in-place) dun, dun, dun,... dun, dun, dun,... dun, dun, DUN, DUNNNN, DAHHHHHHH!!!!! Okay left out some duns and dahs, but I know some of you sang it in your heads. For me, that rocks. I LOVE IT! How fun.

My sweet, lovely friend gave me some mixed CDs a couple weeks ago. She declared them, "the greatest thing ever," as she handed them to me. She was right. I've already worn the worship one out, trekking it across the scenic and notso routes of Chesterfield County. Chris Tomlin's I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) has accompanied some slightly dangerous, one-handed driving, because the truth leads me to Praise! But, additionally, the live recording, sends chills...

I absolutely delight in hearing masses praising our LORD.

Please, let me pause to say, that I do not want in any perverse way, to make an idol out of worshipping. Worshiping worship is an easy one for me to slip into. But OH worshipping my God is soooo good.

Let me scoop up these thoughts and bring them all together into the image I've rested upon many times this past week:

Heaven. the billions there, who believe in the one true God, the ONE true Savior, His children, brought into the fullness of mercy and the embodiment of grace. I thought of the raging sound that Williams Brice rings out, when one side roars "GAME" and the other bellows "COCKS" and I envision that sound multiplying until the actual reverberation would be deafening to carnal ears, and I then replace those silly words and conceive of these

HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!! HOLY!!!!

And all of the angels and the beauty of their harmony and echos... American Idol kids knock my socks off.... and they are but a shadow, but sea foam of the OCEAN of sound that will engulf our heavenly senses. HOLY HOLY HOLY, ARE YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. And every tongue and every nation and every voice shall say.

dude. OHHHH!!!! I could shake you with excitement!!!!!

1 ...I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and
exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him were seraphs,
each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they
covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were calling to
one another:
"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory."
4 At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke.
Isaiah 6:1-4

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